How do I get money...

How do I get halal money

There is no doubt that money is the backbone of the economic life of people in our contemporary life, and it is the most important means and tool for meeting the requirements and needs of people, and despite the importance of money and its role in life, it should not go out of being only a means, and not turn into an goal or goal, just as This means should be obtained from the permissible and legitimate aspects of earning and staying away from the forbidden and malicious gain, because God Almighty blesses and develops the lawful money, and destroys the unlawful money and makes it one of the reasons for entering Hell and God forbid. Good Halal Earning Approach There is no doubt that obtaining halal money requires a Muslim to adopt a method in life and a method that guarantees him earning halal money and avoiding illicit money, and the steps for this approach include the following: The assertive heart belief that God Almighty is alone the sustenance who wrote to man since he was a fetus in his mother’s womb, his life and his sustenance and all the fateful matters related to him in life. With what God has given him permissible good living, greed and encouragement do not lead him to earn unlawful money. The sincere intention to make the effort to collect the permissible money, for the person should have the sincere intention to collect the good money, and this is not among the aspirations and dreams that the effort and perseverance in life does not follow. Being keen to work within the team and under the banner of the group, as a person, regardless of his individual skills, is not always able to work alone, but rather needs someone who helps him to perform the work, and that is facilitation for him, and an aid on the necessity of the path of good and good earning, and avoiding malicious gain. Exhaustion of all human skills in life in order to achieve good and permissible livelihoods, forbidden gains may be easy to tempt weak souls to follow, for a person should always seek to harness his life skills in a way that opens up the horizons of broad permissible livelihood, and avoids him forbidden living. Avoid suspicions, because a Muslim who is keen on halal money sees him avoiding the methods of earning around the suspicions of usury and forbidden in order to guarantee a permissible, pure and good provision of the forbidden impurities. Ruling and referring to the specialized scholars who show the permissible and forbidden people in the economic dealings of the people, and not being drawn into those who are passionate about those who seek to gain unlawfully regardless of its source
