rona virus ( in English: Coronavirus) is a virus that attacks the human respiratory tract, which is linked to viral DNA the RNA , known as syndrome Middle East Respiratory (MERS), and occupies second place after Renault viruses injury colds, and back in its origin to an extended series of viruses that start Common colds, until they reach the respiratory system, and attack it sharply in what is known as the SARS virus, as the virus attacks children and the elderly in a large way, that is, those with weak immune systems, in addition to heart patients. Volume 0% If you are looking for a new Corona virus in China, read the following article: The reality of a new corona virus outbreak in China Corona virus appears Corona virus appeared in 1937 AD, when one of the birds infected with acute inflammation in the respiratory airways, then the disease was transmitted to other livestock from turkeys, cats, horses, pigs, mice, and dogs. Corona is one of the viruses that adapts under unusual conditions, so it is distinguished by new characteristics as a result of the emergence of an evolving strain of the virus, and in this context the emergence of other types of corona virus, including the Wuhan virus that appeared in December 2020. Causes of corona virus Mutations in this type of virus are very large, due to the lack of the reproductive enzyme found in the Corona virus to have the advantage of correcting errors when any error occurs in the serial nitrogenous bases when reproducing. It is what is known as reconnection, which is a genetic phenomenon that merges or connects another gene with another gene, which causes the emergence of a new viral strain, and is characterized by its new characteristics as well. The emergence of climatic conditions or factors that help stimulate the virus, such as travel, travel between countries, deforestation, heavy rainfall, and an increase in the percentage of waste, which increases the percentage of rodents that feed on it, and thus transmits to humans very quickly. How to spread the Corona virus Touching an infected person with another person not directly affected, such as shaking hands or touching. The virus is transmitted from animals to humans through camels. Touching objects related to the affected person, such as his napkin, towel, or the place he is touching. Transmission of sneezing and coughing from the affected person through the air. Corona virus symptoms Symptoms that match cold and flu symptoms such as sore throat and nose, headache, cough, high fever, and shortness of breath. Kidney failure. Acute lung inflammation, due to damage to the alveoli, and swollen vision tissues. Corona virus treatment Doctors have not found effective treatment or a vaccine for the Coronavirus until today, but patients have health care to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with the virus, and reduce its complications that may cause death. These instructions include the following: Take pain-relieving medications. Perfect rest. Drink more fluids, especially water. Commitment to making hot compresses to relieve coughing and congestion.
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