The viruses ( in English: Viruses) A microscopic organisms that are found everywhere on almost the surface of the Earth, the most biological organisms abundant in the planet, and are classified as viruses as parasites because of their inability to replicate without a host body to it, and it should be noted that viruses It can infect humans, animals, plants, fungi, and even bacteria. The severity of the virus’s effect on the host ranges between its ability to cause severe and deadly diseases in some cases, and conditions that do not cause any harm to the host body. It is worth noting that some types of viruses affect In types Specific of living organisms, where we find that some types of viruses infect cats, for example without having any effect in dogs, and viruses possess several different complex forms, as it surrounds the genetic materialAntiviral protein cover, or greasy, or glycoprotein, and be the genetic material of the virus in the form of acid Riboza nuclear ( in English: Ribonucleic acid) and Acronym RNA, or Riboza nucleic acid form of reduced oxygen ( in English: Deoxyribonucleic acid) and Acronym DNA. [1] Volume 0% Virus prevention The risk of infection with viral infection and the health complications associated with it increases with age, especially in cases where a person suffers from a chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes, and in what comes a statement of some advice and procedures that can be followed to prevent infection with a viral infection: [2 ] [3] Obtaining the appropriate vaccines: Care should be taken to obtain the appropriate vaccines according to the age and time of the year, especially for children, as vaccines protect against many severe diseases, and obtaining a seasonal flu vaccine helps in preventing Infection with some types of influenza viruses, but it should be noted that the influenza vaccine does not protect against all types of viruses that cause influenza infection . Hand washing: Care must be taken to wash your hands well to prevent viruses on the hands from reaching the inside of the body, as some types of viruses can live for a long time on the hands while waiting for the person to touch his eyes, nose, or mouth to be able to enter the body. The virus that causes the common cold can live on the hands for up to three hours, so it is worth avoiding touching the eyes, mouth, and nose after using it to open the door handle, shaking hands, or other actions before washing them well. Maintain body moisture: The dehydration of the body increases the risk of exposure to viral infection, so be careful to eat sufficient amounts of water and other fluids, and avoid being in the air places dry and hot, and do not drink alcohol because of their effect on the body injury drought. Sleep well: It is difficult for the body to fight different infections when not sleeping enough hours and resting well, and to help rest during sleep it is worth trying to make a specific date for bed permanently. Taking preventive measures when traveling: Care must be taken to obtain appropriate vaccines when traveling against some types of infectious diseases, which increase the risk of infection in some countries, and also must prevent infection with cold or influenza when planning to travel by plane, as it is advised to put one of the types of refreshments on Nose to prevent dehydration and increase the chance of infection, due to dry air in the plane. Practicing a safe sexual relationship: Care must be taken to follow the necessary safety procedures when practicing a sexual relationship, such as using a condom, especially if one of the partners has a history of a sexually transmitted disease . Not sharing personal belongings: Care must be taken to avoid sharing personal belongings with others, such as a comb, razor, toothbrush, and household utensils, and necessary safety measures must also be taken when eating outside the home. Staying home during the infection period: A person with a viral infection should stay at home and be absent from work or school during the period when symptoms of the disease arise, to reduce the spread of the infection and spread it to other people. Treatment of virus diseases Treatment of a viral infection varies depending on the type of virus, in some cases antiviral drugs are used, and in other cases it cannot be treated and it is only possible to try to control the symptoms accompanying the infection, and on the other hand, infection can be prevented by obtaining a vaccination Anti-infection, it should be noted that antibiotics are intended to eliminate bacteria only and cannot be used to eliminate viruses, and in what follows is an explanation of some of these treatments: [1] Antivirals: Many types of anti-viral drugs were developed after the spread of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome and AIDS in short , and it should be noted that the principle of the work of these drugs is not based on eliminating the virus, but rather inhibiting the ability of these viruses to evolve and prevent the progression of the disease, it is worth mentioning that there are counter medicines and other types of viruses, such as virus hepatitis b ( in English: hepatitis b virus), and chickenpox ( in English: chickenpox), and others. Vaccines: Vaccines are one of the most effective ways to prevent viral infection, and the principle of vaccinations is to use a weakened form of the virus, use antigens for the virus, or use a live, attenuated virus (in English: Live-attenuated viruses) .
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