expresses severe and acute respiratory syndrome accompanied by severe high body temperature and acute lower pneumonia, and there are several types of corona virus, including the virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (English: Middle East respiratory syndrome) Acronyms (MERS), the coronas causing Severe acute respiratory syndrome, and the new coronavirus 2019 (ncoV 2019). If you are looking for a new Corona virus in China, read the following article: The reality of a new corona virus outbreak in China When the symptoms of corona's disease appear Symptoms of infection begin to appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus, and the disease can be distinguished by the following symptoms: Pain in the joints of the body. General fatigue. a headache. Sore throat. Clearly raised body temperature. Coughing and difficulty breathing. Severe inflammation and damage to the alveoli. Swelling of the lung tissue. Kidney failure if symptoms worsen. Note: Corona disease may result in death if symptoms are neglected and aggravated by preventing the virus causing the disease from reaching oxygen to the blood, causing a deficiency in the activities of the body's organs. Corona phases The three phases of Corona's disease can be illustrated as follows: The first phase: It is the first week of the disease and its most prominent symptoms are: fever, muscle pain, and other general symptoms, the severity of which decreases after a few days. The second stage: It is the second week of the disease, and its most prominent symptom is: lack of sufficient quantities of oxygen throughout the body, and a radiological disorder. The third phase: which extends after the second week, and the patient needs at this stage to use artificial respiration, because he is not able to breathe normally. Corona disease method The virus can be transmitted from the bat to a person, or from another person to another person by spreading with the mist from the respiratory secretions. It can also be transmitted through feces. There are several factors that help in transmitting the infection, including the following: The density of the virus present in the patient's respiratory secretions. The distance between the affected person and other people. General health of the patient, and people with chronic diseases are among the most at risk. Single family members. People working in health care centers for people with the disease. The risk of dying increases with age, especially at the age of 50-65.
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